Meditation 101: How to Begin Your Journey of Mindfulness in 5 Simple Steps

Meditation can seem daunting or intimidating for beginners who need help figuring out how to start or what to expect. If you are one of them, don’t worry. We will provide you with some simple and practical tips on how to start meditation and make it a part of your daily routine.

1. Choose a suitable time and place

The first step to start meditation is to find a time and place that works for you. Ideally, you should meditate in a quiet and comfortable environment where you won’t be disturbed by noise, distractions, or interruptions. You can meditate at home, in your bedroom, in your garden, or anywhere else that makes you feel relaxed and calm.

The best time to meditate is when you are not too tired or too busy. Practicing it in the morning, before you start your day, or in the evening before you go to bed. You can also meditate during the day, in the middle of your working hours, whenever you need a break or a moment of clarity. The important thing is to choose a time that suits your schedule and your energy level.

2. Set a realistic goal and duration

The second step to starting meditation is to set a realistic goal and duration for your practice. You don’t have to meditate for hours or achieve enlightenment in one session. You can start with as little as 5 minutes per day and gradually increase the length as you get more comfortable and confident.

Your goal should be something that motivates you and inspires you to keep practicing. For example, your goal could be to reduce stress, improve your focus, or cultivate gratitude. You can also use a specific technique or method that appeals to you, such as mindfulness, breathing, or visualization.

3. Prepare yourself physically and mentally

The third step to start meditation is to prepare yourself physically and mentally for the practice. You should wear comfortable clothes that allow you to breathe freely and move easily. You should also avoid eating too much or too little before you meditate, as this can affect your digestion and concentration.

You should also prepare yourself mentally by setting an intention for your session. An intention is a positive statement that reflects your purpose and your desired outcome. For example, if you want more relaxed you can say repeatedly, "I am relaxed." You can express it silently or aloud before you begin.

4. Find a comfortable posture and position

The fourth step to start meditation is to find a comfortable posture and position for your body. You can sit on a chair, on a cushion, on the floor, or on any other surface that supports your spine and your hips. You can also lie down on a bed, on a mat, or on the ground, as long as you don’t fall asleep.

You should keep your back straight but not rigid, your shoulders relaxed but not slouched, and your head balanced but not tilted. You should also keep your eyes closed or slightly open, depending on what feels more natural for you. You can place your hands on your lap, on your knees, or on any other part of your body that feels comfortable.

5. Focus on your breath or another object of attention

The fifth and final step to start meditation is to focus on your breath or another object of attention. Your breath is the most common and accessible object of attention, as it is always with you and it reflects your state of mind. You can simply observe the natural flow of your inhalation and exhalation, without trying to control or change it.

You can also use another object of attention, such as a word, a sound, a sensation, or an image. For example, you can repeat a word or a phrase (also known as a mantra) that has a positive meaning for you, such as “peace”, “love”, or “om”. You can also listen to a sound or a piece of music that helps you relax, such as the sound of nature, the sound of a bell, or the sound of silence. You can also focus on a sensation or an image that evokes calmness, such as the feeling of warmth in your heart, the feeling of lightness in your body, or the image of a flower, a candle, or a star.

Whatever object of attention you choose, the key is to keep your focus on it throughout the session. Whenever you notice that your mind wanders or gets distracted by thoughts, feelings, or sensations, gently bring it back to your object of attention, without judging yourself or getting frustrated. This is the essence of meditation: to train your mind to be more aware, more present, and more peaceful.

Actually, meditation is a "simple" practice, especially if you're a beginner don't make it complicated. Just follow these five steps to begin your meditation journey.  Keep in mind: meditation is not a goal to achieve, but a journey to enjoy.

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