The Ways to Feel Better About Yourself: 10 Practical Tips

Self-esteem is the way you think and feel about yourself. It affects your confidence, happiness, and well-being. Having healthy self-esteem means accepting and appreciating yourself for who you are, not for what you do or how you look.

Many people struggle with low self-esteem, which can be caused by various factors such as negative experiences, trauma, criticism, unrealistic expectations, or social comparison. Low self-esteem can lead to problems such as depression, anxiety, stress, loneliness, and poor performance.

Fortunately, self-esteem is not fixed and can be improved with some effort and practice. If you want to work on that, here are 10 practical tips to help you boost your self-esteem and feel better about yourself.

1. Be mindful of your thoughts

Being mindful of your thoughts means being aware of what you are thinking and how it affects your self-esteem. Your thoughts have a powerful impact on how you feel and behave. If you think negatively about yourself, you will feel bad and act accordingly. If you think positively about yourself, you will feel good and act confidently.

However, not all thoughts are true or helpful. Sometimes, your thoughts can be distorted or exaggerated by your emotions, experiences, or beliefs. These thoughts can make you see yourself and your situation in a worse way than they really are. They can also prevent you from seeing the positive aspects of yourself and your life.

Therefore, it is important to be mindful of your thoughts and challenge them when they are not based on reality or logic. You can do this by:

  • Paying attention to your thoughts and noticing when they are negative or unhelpful
  • Writing down your thoughts and identifying the type of thinking pattern they belong to
  • Asking yourself questions that test the validity and accuracy of your thoughts
  • Finding evidence that supports or contradicts your thoughts
  • Replacing your negative or unhelpful thoughts with more positive or realistic ones

2. Be kind to yourself

A key way to boost your self-esteem is to show yourself kindness and compassion. This means treating yourself the way you would treat a good friend or a loved one. Kindness means accepting yourself as you are, with your strengths and weaknesses. By being kind to yourself, you will improve your mood, reduce your stress, enhance your happiness, and improve your relationships. You will also learn to treat yourself and others better.

Being kind to yourself also means using positive affirmations to boost your confidence and self-worth. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself regularly to reinforce your beliefs and values. Some examples of affirmations are:

  • I am enough
  • I am worthy of love and respect
  • I am capable of achieving my goals
  • I am proud of myself
  • I am grateful for what I have

You can create your own affirmations based on what you want to improve or achieve in your life. You can write them down, say them out loud, or record them and listen to them daily.

3. Be with people who treat you well

Your self-esteem is also affected by the people you surround yourself with. If you are with people who treat you poorly, you will feel bad about yourself. If you are with people who treat you well, you will feel good about yourself. Therefore, it is important to choose your friends and relationships wisely.

Look for people who respect and appreciate you for who you are, support and encourage you in your endeavors, listen and empathize with you in your struggles, celebrate and share your joys and successes, give you honest and constructive feedback, and have similar interests and values as you. By being with people who treat you well, you will feel more valued, accepted, and confident. You will also learn to treat yourself and others better.

Avoid people who disrespect and criticize you constantly, discourage and undermine you in your goals, ignore and invalidate your feelings and needs, take advantage of and manipulate you, have conflicting or harmful interests and values, or make you feel sad and stressed. These people can lower your self-esteem and make you unhappy.

4. Try talking therapy

Low self-esteem can often be linked to complex underlying issues like trauma, abuse, neglect, bullying, discrimination, or mental health struggles. Seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor can be crucial in these cases. Talk therapy provides a valuable space to understand the root causes, process emotions and experiences, challenge negative beliefs and behaviors, develop coping skills, set realistic goals, and build a supportive network. This professional guidance can be instrumental in fostering improved self-esteem and overall well-being.

There are different types of talking therapy available, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), psychodynamic therapy, interpersonal therapy, or humanistic therapy. You can find a therapist that suits your needs and preferences through online platforms, referrals, or recommendations.

Talking therapy can be a safe and supportive space where you can express yourself freely and receive guidance and feedback. It can also be a rewarding and empowering process that can improve your self-esteem and well-being.

5. Set yourself a challenge

Another way to increase your self-esteem is to challenge yourself with something that is meaningful and attainable for you. A challenge can help you grow as a person by pushing you out of your comfort zone and making you discover new aspects of yourself, develop new abilities and talents, expand your knowledge and perspective, achieve something that matters to you, and boost your confidence and satisfaction.

A challenge can be anything that interests and motivates you, such as learning a new skill or hobby, taking a course or workshop, volunteering for a cause or organization, traveling to a new place or culture, starting a project or business, or applying for a job or promotion.

When you set yourself a challenge, make sure to break it down into small and manageable steps, plan ahead and prepare well, seek support and guidance when needed, and celebrate your progress and accomplishments. By challenging yourself, you will improve your self-esteem and well-being.

6. Look after yourself

Your physical well-being has a significant impact on your self-esteem. Neglecting your body's needs can lead to low self-esteem, whereas taking care of your physical health can boost your self-esteem. Maintaining a balanced and nutritious diet, staying hydrated by drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and rest, engaging in regular exercise and physical activity, and avoiding substances that can harm your health, such as alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes, are all ways to prioritize your physical well-being.

Taking care of your physical health has numerous advantages for your self-esteem, including improved mood and energy levels. It can improve your appearance and overall attractiveness, strengthen your immune system, reduce your risk of illness, and help you live a longer, more fulfilling life. By paying attention to your physical needs, you can positively impact your self-esteem and overall well-being.

7. Express yourself creatively

Creativity is another factor that can boost your self-esteem. Creativity is the ability to produce something new or original using your imagination or skills. Creativity can be expressed in various forms, such as art, music, writing, etc.

Engaging in creative expression not only allows you to explore and communicate your thoughts and emotions effectively but also helps you discover and nurture your strengths and passions. It gives you a place to show off your skills and accomplishments, fostering a sense of pride and self-worth. Furthermore, it connects you with people who share your interests, strengthens your social connections, and brings joy and fulfillment through the sheer enjoyment of the creative process, boosting self-esteem and overall well-being.

To express yourself creatively, you don't need to be an expert or a professional. You just need to find something that appeals to you and gives you joy. You can start with simple activities or projects that suit your level of skill and experience. You can also join online or offline communities or groups that support your creative endeavors.

8. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a strong antidote to taking things for granted or dwelling on what you don't have. It helps to boost self-esteem by reminding you of the good things in your life, reducing stress and negative emotions, increasing overall happiness and well-being, and strengthening your relationships and social support.

You can cultivate gratitude through a variety of practices. A gratitude journal, in which you write down three things you're grateful for every day, is an effective method. Furthermore, expressing gratitude to others through words of thanks, compliments, or written notes can help to foster a sense of appreciation.

Another useful technique is to enjoy the present moment by immersing yourself in the beauty and joy around you. Reflecting on your past accomplishments and recognizing how far you've come and what you've learned can help you feel grateful. Finally, anticipating future opportunities and remaining optimistic and hopeful about what lies ahead contributes to a grateful attitude toward life.

9. Help others

Helping others is another way to increase your self-esteem. You can assist others in various ways. One approach is volunteering for a cause or organization that holds significance for you. Another way is donating to a charity or extending support to a person in need. Sharing your skills or knowledge with someone who can benefit from them is also a valuable form of assistance. Additionally, offering your time or support to a friend or family member going through a tough time or performing random acts of kindness, like smiling, holding the door, or paying for someone's coffee, are meaningful ways to help.

Helping others can significantly contribute to boosting your self-esteem by offering various benefits. Firstly, it makes you feel useful and valuable, reinforcing a positive sense of self-worth. Secondly, it provides a sense of purpose and meaning in your life, as you see the positive impact of your actions on others. Thirdly, it enhances your self-efficacy and competence by giving you opportunities to learn and develop new skills. Furthermore, helping others strengthens your social connections and deepens your sense of belonging within a community. Lastly, it fosters empathy and compassion, improving your overall emotional well-being.

10. Celebrate yourself

The last tip to increase your self-esteem is to celebrate yourself. Celebrating yourself means acknowledging and appreciating yourself for who you are and what you do. It also means rewarding yourself for your efforts and achievements.

Celebrating yourself can help you increase your self-esteem by boosting your confidence and pride, reinforcing your motivation and persistence, and increasing your overall happiness and satisfaction. It also has the power to inspire you to set higher goals and standards for yourself.

Some ways to celebrate yourself include treating yourself to something you enjoy, such as a movie, a meal, or a massage. You can also buy yourself something you want, whether it's a book, a gadget, or a clothing item. Additionally, sharing your success with others, giving yourself a pat on the back, a hug, or a high-five, and saying something nice to yourself, such as "I did it!", "I'm awesome!", or "I love myself!" are all effective ways to celebrate your achievements and qualities.

Self-esteem is not something that you have or don't have. It is something that you can build and maintain over time. It is also something that you can lose or regain depending on how you treat yourself and how others treat you.

Remember, you are worth it!

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